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Apple, Mac OS X

A1 Dashboard unter Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan

So funktioniert der A1 Datastick auch ab(?) Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan:

Ok. I found workaround.

First we must start computer in recovery ( cmd +R during startup). Then after system started go to terminal and enter csrutil disable.

After tehat restart computer and install software from Huawei ( i have unbranded Mobile Partner) and then insert modem. Now it’s starts and you can use internet as usually.

Restart computer after that and again start in recovery mode and now enter in terminal csrutil enable.

Reboot again and you can use El Capitan .

csrutil stands as System Integrity Protection. More info you can found here tual/System_Integrity_Protection_Guide/ConfiguringSystemIntegrityProtection/Conf iguringSystemIntegrityProtection.html

Gefunden unter:

Bei mir funktionierte es mit einem Datastick von A1, einem Huawei E173

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